Electronic waste is a mine of valuable materials, metals and rare earths, which should be recovered, avoiding their dispersion into the environment and promoting a circular economy based on recovery and sustainability. The critical point for all possible lines of work for the disposal of electronic equipment is the final action that every citizen takes when a product ends its life and becomes waste. The decision on where and how to allocate a piece of equipment to the cycle of urban waste is the key moment that determines the success or failure of the recovery chain.
Sim Green is continuously engaged in research into new technologies for the processing of WEEE. Besides being always particularly sensitive to issues of environmental pollution reduction and proper use of the territory, Sim Green is seeking to increase its structures devoted to awareness-raising activities about environmental facilities and technical-technological development projects at major universities. The rapid development of the company is shown by the increase of from 8 to 20 of participants in various sectors: commercial, technical, administrative, but the most significant factor is production capacity, which has grown up to 373 tonnes of WEEE processed per day.
These data indicate the considerable capacity of the company in Italy and Europe to reduce the dispersion of WEEE waste, but above all the ability to return to the commodities market about 90% of the raw/secondary material collected. All this translates into a significant environmental benefit, on the one hand, reducing, as mentioned above, the dispersal of e-waste in the environment and on the other significantly containing the environmental impact created by the exploitation of mining or quarry extraction sites, as well as CO2 emissions from the refining process.
The future goal of the company is to achieve a quota for the conversion of WEEE into raw and secondary materials close to 100%.